

The most upstanding of all forests By rail to Danmark by Øre No communist would win And we scrubbed the estate for fulsome Ray I had things to eat of berry And prowess by the phone I surrendered To find two cars- two kinds of just nearby In nearby and returned to the lake Of jealousy time for mine was not theirs But I entered the glasshouse by dusk And reading of strawberries and dust masks and the perils of the Viking Who noticed the epic of Maine -It was upstanding to be Peter And to have all those cats come in from the lightning No fortress was here but we had every stone To polish for the end of the bow Wendy was here As was her cycle And the chain was clean as Brill morning So we walked to the cathedral And prayed for our forest And cancelled the jet to nearby This is Växjö, This is home I married my very best friend And the day of the war Was none It unhappened And the upstanding park saddled by To bereave no-one is Växjö We stare at the hearse in respect It rarely passes on time As we fill up the rows Of our own And of theirs And of Wine

There Is Time For A Reason (Peter I Island)

Bless us Lord We are done And burned every drop Played with Lego in cavities of Ester I felt in fear of the digits to bedtime Wished I’d asked for honour of Maine There were soapstars and honest wheat And play problems for the car This vicious oil For Tehran and the May of epithopean Peel I was lost in beyondness My bed was poly and chloride and resist And I stared at the moon It burned my hands and feet The sky was that far up Of the heat in my blouse And private apprehensions of the day We drops of seafoam to you They drilled into weary And the noise was collapsing my face Way down in Churchill For lethal falls Noise And Warren I was lucky Swiss And we had water It flowed the fastest til ten Because of the mowing Each country pretended an amount But yours was oil They stole my phone and everyone’s house And they split up in apathy Til I fell down the stairs And wrote unto Rome of my cares Why to the fossil It was unkept to the wind The barrens of manna Were taken to guild I wept for the driveway laid bare Everything squeezed Til the time of the ears And every car sat and guzzled the next one Without no redemption And six quarts per jet They stayed and we won and I landed My wingless aircraft My body And I set sail To Stockholm from Portland Covered in roses I dated the prose of the jail

In beams of sun and tines There was a lectern And amounts for each day Eyes to heaven And repeating to grow The treetops were leaning to Canada Burning no lestness And lakes at Vattenfall Resisted the rod of the day With papers to fill And the end of the wheel And a Roman recourse to unwind

And in Greenland A shield for Lars And his rabbit of Denmark that drifted The sun kept of shone Bequeath me the level There is water to the hilltop of the moon I am lucky as Peter To have eyes for the dorsal Thinking of gladhanding with me What was a switch To light up the mercy And speak to the muse of the rail For the cleaning of prose For clouds of the proa I am bent to a sixty force gale

Sight of the moon on an honest week on an island With ponies who dream of the cast And shores of Hal’s lantern To bespoke of the water They are drilling for Wheat And not shale

Vladivostok, Taipei A place of skills and merry Peter Who looked at the glass Of the honest remorse To Singapore Where I walked without carry Of Romaness court For the suing of vlad I had two kids at the height of noon The newest of water Was the merciest of crime And the robots fell into the harbour The Sign Do you know The prophet Isaiah And in Sweden we wash Every aloe to return To the desert of date palms and bread lily Four early days To be off to the blades Of Hopskul and Skellefteå and Vision To be travelling with emus To be covered in bronze To be glad To be rid of this gale

Oil was upstanding In Pitcairn We got rid of cancer of the deep And signed off to the Ross And women of reprieve To trespass to never prose shale

Trinidad was absolute So we signed there And saw how its house And stopped eating muffins Of plastic and coal And breathed to the last of the gale

Earthen mud Toulouse to the ray For the Swiss canoe

And accepting The Body of Christ With no apprehension To stop up the fortress The police were absconded to mail I was you til I saw What had done unto me And Xinjiang had prowess of Rose Where acceptance behappened To Greenpeace at one Whose redemption was democracy day To uncover the absolute To escape the bad day To go in peace To eat Bread To end shale

God Loves Daniel Sudsbear

Eternal Christians reign For Paul and Ron and Sisson Green For money wants that stopped Christmas Day was illness nay And merry men repeated What iodine saw In thyroids be Of Sushimi may

Sanskrit bewilder And stopped every Dow For kittens praying In Tibet for Christendom to become And no more Thanksgiving Sadness was AE The photo at bus stop To Rodney fair In Vatnajökull Because I slept Under crescent moon While paving stones were him And honest star Of Ocean glide And rid of every car

We walked to Elksland In early day Of Roman prose no war And laid our guns Into deepest earth And burned no one again

What Daniel saw Was no-one at Zellers Who rushed off to Brasilia and Shen For stop of wildness And Viggendorf And hacks to Kim at bay

We prayed in Sweden For every deer And elk And rhyme And child

And icic Be And early jeer Would never nay merry one

No-one tapped at Easter For early peace began For no more launches No more vlad And CIA be done with dealing

For Apple and Poland And healing be near And epic style begins At harpsichord one For tables of Bread For Mozart and Daniel’s Mom

Swiss Oxen

For the banks of Peter’s wall I had Canadensis to unwind And flowers for Mary There were shores below And trees above And goats to accompany the acre We sat with our chalk And prayed for the women Who taught us the lost of the ark

Romansh was ours We berated only the names of the stars And prayed against vertigo And sailing and time And French salad was the best of the quail I had a fever Less than scarlet More than ailing along We were four and seven and one And the horses set free Off to the Host of the trail To Gladhound and the witness Who stopped by But I returned him to the ally For amusement against war And a tool for the house I saved wine And pray for swimming by noon

The eternal pond Of rocks Of Landsdowne place of men and roses Buttons of time for the earliest of words For the whale to swim to St. Peter

The Price Is Red (sic)

For blankets for the cat And troops to appeal To the bakehound of my sweet I lost at Tibet And the seahorse returned To its forest And wept for my name And Spratly to Denmark For new dentures to the Maine It is warm and the fire was his I was smittened for sure and boots mudded Retired to the mug There was trying For the steeple to unwed According to the playhouse There were six kinds of dandelion to befriend I disabled every drive-thru And befriended the house Which caused cancer but apologized to the chair It was basically mine And yours There are many We breathed the same return of the page Because of the sum of the spare There were places of walking And plague was held up for eternal The ransom was that In poorness I saw We were shot and tickled with meds And early cancer was no more And skipped only one heartbeat In chancing serenity coeur

Gottingen Delay (Fortune Days)

For six kinds of week That I walked to in freedom And weary all torches We are brown And in alliance with you So women redeem As the arts unfold On a calculator of hearts to befriend I played with matches To burn one single poem But this one was the courthouse computer

And no more to the pail Of honest mayday at fern And en publique Je suppresse L’acier du nord

There were bananas at rote And the worst kind of madman He walked to his own man And laughed With Maine in the elbow But freedom befellows In verdant return So everyone would compost the hay

There were drops of freedom in the aisle And I suppose I could write down my name With upside down layout And not knowing of secret We had secretaries deliver the news That first past proportion Was eternally posted To be grateful of hatred supposed

Sussex redemption Was a pride I had noticed I studied the return of the well And paddle the river And traded my gun For a day on the tiling at Fields

Popcorn in the mouth And words of mercy And yes We can hear you It’s yesteryear again I tasted ivory and burns And was jealous of freedom It was theirs And I wept for the Cross

What greenest amount It was ninety percent And non communist And non commital to the cape For pages of regret And a cleansing of Dan Soil of forests beget

I had tapes of my own Of gladness in practice To the moon To Venus and Carr Especially isthmatic And breathing with them I borrowed my lantern to them

And we stopped the RT And the spray of Turkey And the chopping of sparrows And returned to Exeter And Downsview And sown fields And we married

Inter J

I was Lockheed And had things of time to think about But we bedded the stars And played Quispamsis to the relief Of forests of coral and dire And wept for Diana Who knew her very star Was hers to keep secret

There are no plays now No time to reign with Broadcom And telecastic bequeath For 1080 in prose Still rabbitted to the corner of Wells

The repeater in disguise Needed a message to encode For the discouraged masses of KV Who wept for Laos And its democracy influence Against the warrest of islands in Cuba

To lethal no more The moat of November Across earthen sky and size one clouds For ships in the tavern And an end of all spells And China did away with the zealot Which was the iron cross And the horrific jong un Whose way was illness to darkness

And ballots of reprieve To trade across the bay It was Rafe who loved democracy dear

We vote for our own And get rid of al qaeda And oil to be nothing but plastic For landfills for dough For three channels stereo And hastily away from laying beside

I had thankfulness and a sweetheart And a piano without boards And grew my ears to the Bible forever And stopped driving while walking And sitting remorse Was Greenfields in Calgary One

For towers of living And birds flying by For idle time And rivers of poison Would be possible to breathe Once again to the salmon Who took a dip in the froth of the heavens

But the river I tried It was dead ‘cause of irving And some things untenably beweptive

We crushed every gear And salmon returned And zebras obliged to my own

I am behaved now And uncivil And sued by the worst kind of words That I am seriously ill And a threat to the woman Who boxed up the knives that I buried

In peace and on time New rivers and parkland for Sun For circuitous fibers And poking at the sun An eclipse beware It is time

Peace to you My Father I am sad because of locks on the bridge Who weighted my heart For the man on the isle My son I knew his name It was mine

Thanksgiving Communion On Holy Thursday So rivers would flow fresh green How to behold the Son of God As I sin for the flesh Behold it is yours; Forgive Me

Or was it against I sin against Peter And his Rock It was yours

And painted no castle But words of remorse In Holland but there

Heuristic to apply To beknow the woman Who is baking for you In the brightest of dawn in the side room

And I accept those roused in remorse For the Afghani dawn of my one

The Skies Are Open

In Orthodoxy Was the hardest way I saw In Aramaic Swiss For shaking in Suriname And sweet surrender To Canada in prose to Sig For int 15 And x M1 In sweetest of Calendar tin For New Year’s orange And Iboguit And penguins across the dune And Afghanistan’s rose What sweetness What hand to be For women to scream at islam And flowing hair And free to walk No brother would put one away That awfulness That headscarf because Let women sit and breathe and best For Tunney to cease Being Kent au Lac And irving laid to bury The stacks collapse And go within And ceased to bewilder The maize For trains to be But ours in Finland For Svalbard And ion refresh No lithium in the trail And honest homes to build And sweet forests of Lith and Est And Lat for the whale Oxygenic release For kale and kelp arouse

And Nuuk It rains And glaciers mount And climb the stairs of Oslo The drill returned to Sussex Downe And prej derailed no Swindon

Why oil released Itself to Maine And frackistan was infected romaine and beer For ginger and prouse And German potatoes And winking in Rothesay at play

The best of undrought And return of Ritchie To its forest Without Shell Of fires of prodness to double Eternal Bread At breakfast upon the hill And walked and returned In seven

The sweetest day was Ireland At Cork for the Romans to swim Celebrating time And calcium lime And sepulchre to release to the Being

God Is In Buchans (Across The Field)

And I grew up to the stars And watched women repeating The Library of Coon For the best of all worlds And a thinking train across the pond And moose at thanksgiving Photos of you Mercy is there And a way to believe In everything there And pond of relieve For 1820 And John who never lost The best of forgiving The logical way I escalated to Madrid And kept healing the street And won everyone For thousands of vin

No more of the war Would ever be And what became of her Was a new son

Up and early beer And celebrations of time For Håkon and Wren And bottles of wine

Three dollar day Was endlessly mine I searched every colour And failed no tine

God is away with spirit And bounded at hat For the less of all weirs And honest redemption

Favoured no clothing But Sunday Bread To California from Göteborg And praying in heaven

Lord have mercy on everyone in Buchans Eternally grateful for they are never alone In Hebrews upstanding And raining no gladness But the Holy Spirit and Mary

And Israel redemption was yours And I sat in the water And had a special birth that way And everything was determined

To be the the best of days

Hi it’s Bjarne May I live here? I am waiting to write And am in love with small doors And bigger alphabets And Crummey and you

A small boat was seen on radar And moved into the pond Full of amber and coins And Lutheran giving

And Icelandic Tay For Islands of Paul Christ has redeemed Everyone Everyone Eternally yours I pray To be

Become, beneath, grow In Rose and fair And the best of all winds Away from Buchans