God Is In Buchans (Across The Field)

And I grew up to the stars And watched women repeating The Library of Coon For the best of all worlds And a thinking train across the pond And moose at thanksgiving Photos of you Mercy is there And a way to believe In everything there And pond of relieve For 1820 And John who never lost The best of forgiving The logical way I escalated to Madrid And kept healing the street And won everyone For thousands of vin

No more of the war Would ever be And what became of her Was a new son

Up and early beer And celebrations of time For Håkon and Wren And bottles of wine

Three dollar day Was endlessly mine I searched every colour And failed no tine

God is away with spirit And bounded at hat For the less of all weirs And honest redemption

Favoured no clothing But Sunday Bread To California from Göteborg And praying in heaven

Lord have mercy on everyone in Buchans Eternally grateful for they are never alone In Hebrews upstanding And raining no gladness But the Holy Spirit and Mary

And Israel redemption was yours And I sat in the water And had a special birth that way And everything was determined

To be the the best of days

Hi it’s Bjarne May I live here? I am waiting to write And am in love with small doors And bigger alphabets And Crummey and you

A small boat was seen on radar And moved into the pond Full of amber and coins And Lutheran giving

And Icelandic Tay For Islands of Paul Christ has redeemed Everyone Everyone Eternally yours I pray To be

Become, beneath, grow In Rose and fair And the best of all winds Away from Buchans