God Loves Daniel Sudsbear

Eternal Christians reign For Paul and Ron and Sisson Green For money wants that stopped Christmas Day was illness nay And merry men repeated What iodine saw In thyroids be Of Sushimi may

Sanskrit bewilder And stopped every Dow For kittens praying In Tibet for Christendom to become And no more Thanksgiving Sadness was AE The photo at bus stop To Rodney fair In Vatnajökull Because I slept Under crescent moon While paving stones were him And honest star Of Ocean glide And rid of every car

We walked to Elksland In early day Of Roman prose no war And laid our guns Into deepest earth And burned no one again

What Daniel saw Was no-one at Zellers Who rushed off to Brasilia and Shen For stop of wildness And Viggendorf And hacks to Kim at bay

We prayed in Sweden For every deer And elk And rhyme And child

And icic Be And early jeer Would never nay merry one

No-one tapped at Easter For early peace began For no more launches No more vlad And CIA be done with dealing

For Apple and Poland And healing be near And epic style begins At harpsichord one For tables of Bread For Mozart and Daniel’s Mom