The Skies Are Open

In Orthodoxy Was the hardest way I saw In Aramaic Swiss For shaking in Suriname And sweet surrender To Canada in prose to Sig For int 15 And x M1 In sweetest of Calendar tin For New Year’s orange And Iboguit And penguins across the dune And Afghanistan’s rose What sweetness What hand to be For women to scream at islam And flowing hair And free to walk No brother would put one away That awfulness That headscarf because Let women sit and breathe and best For Tunney to cease Being Kent au Lac And irving laid to bury The stacks collapse And go within And ceased to bewilder The maize For trains to be But ours in Finland For Svalbard And ion refresh No lithium in the trail And honest homes to build And sweet forests of Lith and Est And Lat for the whale Oxygenic release For kale and kelp arouse

And Nuuk It rains And glaciers mount And climb the stairs of Oslo The drill returned to Sussex Downe And prej derailed no Swindon

Why oil released Itself to Maine And frackistan was infected romaine and beer For ginger and prouse And German potatoes And winking in Rothesay at play

The best of undrought And return of Ritchie To its forest Without Shell Of fires of prodness to double Eternal Bread At breakfast upon the hill And walked and returned In seven

The sweetest day was Ireland At Cork for the Romans to swim Celebrating time And calcium lime And sepulchre to release to the Being