There Is Time For A Reason (Peter I Island)

Bless us Lord We are done And burned every drop Played with Lego in cavities of Ester I felt in fear of the digits to bedtime Wished I’d asked for honour of Maine There were soapstars and honest wheat And play problems for the car This vicious oil For Tehran and the May of epithopean Peel I was lost in beyondness My bed was poly and chloride and resist And I stared at the moon It burned my hands and feet The sky was that far up Of the heat in my blouse And private apprehensions of the day We drops of seafoam to you They drilled into weary And the noise was collapsing my face Way down in Churchill For lethal falls Noise And Warren I was lucky Swiss And we had water It flowed the fastest til ten Because of the mowing Each country pretended an amount But yours was oil They stole my phone and everyone’s house And they split up in apathy Til I fell down the stairs And wrote unto Rome of my cares Why to the fossil It was unkept to the wind The barrens of manna Were taken to guild I wept for the driveway laid bare Everything squeezed Til the time of the ears And every car sat and guzzled the next one Without no redemption And six quarts per jet They stayed and we won and I landed My wingless aircraft My body And I set sail To Stockholm from Portland Covered in roses I dated the prose of the jail

In beams of sun and tines There was a lectern And amounts for each day Eyes to heaven And repeating to grow The treetops were leaning to Canada Burning no lestness And lakes at Vattenfall Resisted the rod of the day With papers to fill And the end of the wheel And a Roman recourse to unwind

And in Greenland A shield for Lars And his rabbit of Denmark that drifted The sun kept of shone Bequeath me the level There is water to the hilltop of the moon I am lucky as Peter To have eyes for the dorsal Thinking of gladhanding with me What was a switch To light up the mercy And speak to the muse of the rail For the cleaning of prose For clouds of the proa I am bent to a sixty force gale

Sight of the moon on an honest week on an island With ponies who dream of the cast And shores of Hal’s lantern To bespoke of the water They are drilling for Wheat And not shale

Vladivostok, Taipei A place of skills and merry Peter Who looked at the glass Of the honest remorse To Singapore Where I walked without carry Of Romaness court For the suing of vlad I had two kids at the height of noon The newest of water Was the merciest of crime And the robots fell into the harbour The Sign Do you know The prophet Isaiah And in Sweden we wash Every aloe to return To the desert of date palms and bread lily Four early days To be off to the blades Of Hopskul and Skellefteå and Vision To be travelling with emus To be covered in bronze To be glad To be rid of this gale

Oil was upstanding In Pitcairn We got rid of cancer of the deep And signed off to the Ross And women of reprieve To trespass to never prose shale

Trinidad was absolute So we signed there And saw how its house And stopped eating muffins Of plastic and coal And breathed to the last of the gale

Earthen mud Toulouse to the ray For the Swiss canoe

And accepting The Body of Christ With no apprehension To stop up the fortress The police were absconded to mail I was you til I saw What had done unto me And Xinjiang had prowess of Rose Where acceptance behappened To Greenpeace at one Whose redemption was democracy day To uncover the absolute To escape the bad day To go in peace To eat Bread To end shale